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    Subject: Whitesharks - Deadline is TODAY - Declare Now for the Sprint Sizzler

    If you receive this email, it means you have a swimmer that can swim at the Sprint Sizzler Invitational at the Cy-Fair Natatorium on Sunday, June 6! If you have already declared for this meet, thank you! If you haven't already, PLEASE DECLARE NOW IF YOU WILL OR WILL

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    Subject: Whitesharks - Please Declare Now for the Sprint Sizzler

    If you receive this email, it means you have a swimmer that can swim at the Sprint Sizzler Invitational on Sunday, June 6! If you have already declared for this meet, thank you! If you haven't already, PLEASE DECLARE NOW IF YOU WILL OR WILL NOT ATTEND. The…

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    Sprint Sizzler Invitational Information

    If you have a qualified swimmer for the Sprint Sizzler Invitational, you should have received an email from the team containing the below information. Sprint Sizzler is our mid-season invitational meet that will be held Sunday, June 6 at the Cy Fair ISD Natatorium.

    The registration deadline is Saturday, May 29 at…

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    Time changes for the meet

    It looks like it will be a wet meet tomorrow! Due to this we are making a few adjustments.

    We will still have check-in at 6:45. 

    Warm-ups will begin at 7:00 

    The meet will start at 8:00. 

    So please prepare yourself and swimmers for a quick

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    Declaring Attendance

    Whitesharks it is very important for you to log into the website worthamwhitesharks.swimtopia.com to declare your attendance to a meet.  

    Each week the deadline is Monday night. So, the deadline for Practice Meet on May 8th is right around the corner on May 3rd.

    The wording…

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    Guppy School

    Welcome to the Whitesharks Guppies!

    Guppy school will start this Monday at 5:15!!!  We will have Guppy school Monday-Thursday with Friday being a back up day if we have bas weather.  The sun it up, but the water will still be cool.  Please be prepared with a towel when…

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