
    Subject: Whitesharks - Deadline is TODAY - Declare Now for the Sprint Sizzler

    If you receive this email, it means you have a swimmer that can swim at the Sprint Sizzler Invitational at the Cy-Fair Natatorium on Sunday, June 6! If you have already declared for this meet, thank you! If you haven't already, PLEASE DECLARE NOW IF YOU WILL OR WILL NOT ATTEND.THE DEADLINE IS TODAY AT 7pm.

    You are NOT automatically entered for the Sprint Sizzler. You must go into the meet and declare that you will be attending. Please follow the below instructions.

    • Go to the meets page and click on Meet Entry button for Sprint Sizzler
    • Select the drop down for your swimmer and select “Attending This Meet” or “Not Attending this Meet”
    • If attending, Select the events your swimmer is going to swim and is qualified for
    • Let us know in the Notes section if you want to swim Bonus events or any other info we need to know
    • Click save

    Remember to let us know in the Notes section if you want to swim Bonus events.

    The cost is $7 per individual event. We will let you know about payment in a few days.

    Thanks for letting us know!

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