
    Latest News

    Suit Update

    We have an update on swimsuits! The suits have not arrived yet at the swim store. They are hoping they will arrive early next week, they will then have to put our WWS logo on the suits. So we will not have new suits for pictures or our first official…

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    Practice Meet Week!

    Happy Sunday Whitesharks!!!

    We are less than a week away until racing starts. There is a lot going on this week.

    Before Monday night you need to:

    • Please log in to swimtopia and indicate if your swimmer will NOT be swimming in the Practice Meet on Saturday. If
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    Important Dates!!!

    Good evening Whitesharks!

    It’s time to start looking at Swim Meets and Volunteering. The website is OPEN up so that can indicate if your swimmer will NOT be at a meet & you can sign up to volunteer. It is very, very important that you do both. We need…

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    ​Practice is canceled for our 9-10 today, March 25th.

    Practice is canceled for our 9-10 today, March 25th.
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    Upcoming Events!

    It’s been so nice seeing all the Whitesharks in the water.

    We have lots of things going on at the pool!

    This week we have:

    Parent Meeting this is mandatory for new families, we would also like to see all of our returning families as well.

    The Parent Meeting

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    In the Water Tomorrow!!!

    Whitesharks I hope you are ready!!!! Dust off your googles, grab your swim suit and a towel! Practice starts tomorrow!!!!!!!

    Practice times are:

    6&U   5-5:30
    7-8     5:25-6:10
    9-10   6:05-6:50
    11-12  6:45-7:45
    13&O  7:40-8:45

    Fridays 11-12 and 13&over are combined.

    You must be registered…

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    Important Dates

    Happy Easter Whitesharks!

    It's time to get our Sharks back in the water!

    Practice Starts Wednesday, April 20th!

    Practice times are:

    6&U 5-5:30
    7-8 5:25-6:10
    9-10 6:05-6:50
    11-12 6:45-7:45
    13&O 7:40-8:45
    (Fridays 11-12 and 13&over are combined.)

    You must be registered to attend practice.

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    Early Bird Ends Tonight

    ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­The 2022 Season is almost here!

    Don’t miss out on Early Bird Specials that end tonight. Register NOW!!!

    Practice Starts April 20th! You must be registered to attend practice.

    Practice times are:

    6&U 5-5:30
    7-8 5:25-6:10
    9-10 6:05-6:50
    11-12 6:45-7:45

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    Meet the Coaches TODAY!!!

    Don’t Forget Meet the Coaches is TODAY!!!! 2-4pm at the Clubhouse.

    Stop by and say hi to our Coaches and Encourage New Families to come and ask questions.

    Can’t wait to see you there!

    Also, don’t forget take advantage of Early Bird Registration Fees & Register Today!

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    Registration is OPEN!!!

    Whitesharks! It’s Time Registration for the 2022 Season is OPEN!!!!!!

    Register TODAY, Early Bird Pricing Ends on April 10th!

    Some other important dates are:

    Meet the Coaches Sunday, March 27th from 2-4 at the Clubhouse. This is a great time for new and old swimmers to talk…

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