
    Latest News

    11-12 Practice Cancelled

    Due to Weather Practice Cancelled Today May 8th for 11-12. You may join 13-overs at 7:40.
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    9-10 Practice Cancelled

    Due to Weather Practice Has Been Cancelled Today May 8 th for 9-10s We will continue to monitor weather for other age groups.
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    9-10 Practice Cancelled

    Due to Weather Practice Has Been Cancelled Today May 8th for 9-10s We willcontinue to monitor weather for other age groups.
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    Info for this week

    Good afternoon

    We had a great
    Practice Meet yesterday. It was so nice
    to see all the swimmers excited to be back in the water.

    We have a busy
    week coming up!

    Monday- Log in
    to Swimptopia and indicate that you will be attending the meet or not…

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    Practice Meet Info and More!

    Happy Sunday Whitesharks!!!

    The sun is out and warming the water. We are less than a week away until racing starts. There is a lot going on this week.

    Before Monday night you need to:

    • 1.Log in to the website and indicate if your swimmer will be swimming in…
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    Practice Meet Open!!!

    Good evening Whitesharks!

    It’s time to declare your Attendance for the Practice Meet and Volunteering. The Practice meet is OPEN on the website. If your swimmer will NOT going be at a meet. It is very, very important that you indicate this on the website. You also need…

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    Parent Meeting & Tasty Tuesday

    Good afternoon Whitesharks

    This is reminder that today we have our Parent Meeting Tonight!!! 

    We will meet in the Club House at 5:45. I can’t wait to meet and see everyone.

    Tomorrow is our first Tasty Tuesday! This week’s Tuesday’s Tasty Tuesday is at Freddy’s!!! Grab a Burger or Custard,…

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    Back at the pool :)

    It’s been so nice seeing all the Whitesharks in the water.

    As we know Texas weather is unpredictable. We will have practices when it is raining. Practice will be stopped if there is Lightening and Thunder. We will stop practice for the required time and then pick up for…

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    Events at the Pool this Week!

    Good morning, 

    Whitesharks I hope you are ready!!!! Dust off your googles, grab your swim suit and a towel! Practice starts tomorrow!!!!!!!

    Practice times are:

    6&U 5-5:30
    7-8 5:25-6:10
    9-10 6:05-6:50
    11-12 6:45-7:45
    13&O 7:40-8:45

    Fridays 11-12 and 13&over are combined.

    You must be …

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    Upcoming Events!

    Hey Whitesharks!

    The season is almost here! Below is a lot of important information about events coming up.  

    Practice Starts Monday, April 17th!

    Practice times are:

    6&U 5-5:30
    7-8 5:25-6:10
    9-10 6:05-6:50
    11-12 6:45-7:45
    13&O 7:40-8:45

    Fridays 11-12 and 13&over are combined.

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