
    This Week's Info & RSVP

    Good evening,

    Friday we will be having out Ping Pong Challenge Pep Rally swimmers will be in the water to complete the challenge. Meet us for the fun at 6:45!

    Saturday’s Meet is at Memorial Northwest. Check is at 7:15.

    17440 Theiss Mail Rte Rd Spring, TX 77379

    Parking will be at the Theiss Elementary School next to the pool.

    The End of the Season is fast approaching. Below is a link to RSVP for the End of the Season Awards Ceremony. Food will be served for swimmer and their family so please RSVP so that we have an accurate account for food. Awards will be presented to each swimmer who participated in in 3 or more swim meets.

    The Party will be Tuesday, June 20th!


    Next Week:

    Tasty Tuesdays is at Willie’s Ice House- Jersey Village. This applies All Day!!

    On-line code is SPIRITNIGHT

    Friday- Car Parade Pep Rally

    Saturday- Divisional Swim Meet

    Melissa Tysdal

    WWS President

    North, South, East, West Wortham Whitesharks are the BEST!!!

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