
    Info about Monday Practice & Upcoming Meet

    Good afternoon!

    It was an exciting meet yesterday with lost of fast swimming!  Congratulations swimmers on another victory.  

    Good luck to those swimming today and tomorrow at Sprint Sizzler!

    Due to swimmers and coaches being at the meet tomorrow Monday the 5th there will be a few changes to practices. Those swimming at Sprint Sizzler do not need to attend practice on Monday.


    For Morning Practice Times will be:

    7:15-8:00 10 & Unders

    8:00-9:00 11 & Overs

    NO Afternoon practice!

    Tuesday our Tasty Tuesday is at Panda Express, enjoy not cooking and support the team!

    On Friday we will be having out Ping Pong Challenge Pep Rally Meet us for the fun at 6:45!

    Saturday’s Meet is at Memorial Northwest. Check is at 7:15.

    17440 Theiss Mail Rte Rd Spring, TX 77379

    Parking will be at the Theiss Elementary School next to the pool.

    Based on the website they do have burgers, nachos, hotdogs and snacks at the concession stand.

    Melissa Tysdal

    WWS President

    North, South, East, West Wortham Whitesharks are the BEST!!!

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