
    Picture Updates & Meet info

    Due to weather being unpredictable we had to cancel pictures today.

    We have reschedule Pictures for Monday, May 15th. The plan is still the same pass out t-shirts prior to pictures. Individual Pictures will begin at 4 with the Team Picture at 5. Practice will resume after pictures. Since we do live in Texas and weather is unpredictable we do have a back up plan for Wednesday, May 17th.

    For the rest of the week, make sure your swimmers are working on showing their Whiteshark Spirit posters for the POSTER PEP RALLY, Friday night at 6:45!

    Our 1st Dual Swim Meet against the Blue Marlins is Saturday Morning @ the Wortham Pool. Check in for Swimmers and Volunteers is 6:45 am.

    Swimmers interested in stroke Lessons with Coach David, please text him to arrange a session.

    Sessions are $30 for a 30-minute session. Coach David 832-530-0912

    Looking ahead to next week-

    Monday- Pictures

    Tuesday- Tasty Tuesdays is a Raising Canes!

    Wednesday- (Back up Picture Day)

    Friday- Drink Drop Pep Rally

    See you at the Pool

    Melissa Tysdal

    WWS President

    North, South, East, West Wortham Whitesharks are the BEST!!

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