
    Back at the pool :)

    It’s been so nice seeing all the Whitesharks in the water.

    As we know Texas weather is unpredictable. We will have practices when it is raining. Practice will be stopped if there is Lightening and Thunder. We will stop practice for the required time and then pick up for the next age group if Lightening and Thunder have not been seen or heard. So please plan on attending practice even if the weather is questionable. Also, on these days please keep your emails handy. If we cancel practice times an email will be sent out.

    Email is main form of communication for the team 😊

    Next week we have:

    Parent Meeting this is mandatory for new families, we would also like to see all of our returning families as well. The Parent Meeting will be at the Club House. We will be starting at 5:45

    Tuesday April 25th is our first Tasty Tuesday! Each Tuesday we will feature a place to eat near by to help you out with dinner. A percentage of your meal will come back to the team. This Tuesday’s Tasty Tuesday is at Freddy’s!!! Grab a Burger or Custard, let them know you are there for the Whitesharks!

    Upcoming Dates are:

    May 10th Picture Day Team Picture will be at 5:00, individual pictures will begin at 4:30.

    May 6th Practice Meet

    North, South, East, West Wortham Whitesharks are the BEST!!!!!

    Melissa Tysdal

    WWS President

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