
    Upcoming Events!

    Hey Whitesharks!

    The season is almost here! Below is a lot of important information about events coming up.  

    Practice Starts Monday, April 17th!

    Practice times are:

    6&U 5-5:30
    7-8 5:25-6:10
    9-10 6:05-6:50
    11-12 6:45-7:45
    13&O 7:40-8:45

    Fridays 11-12 and 13&over are combined.

    You must be registered to attend practice.

    On Tuesday April 18th D & J Sports will be at the club house from 5-7 to sell team suits. This will be the only day they will be at our pool. Please plan to come before practice, if your swimmer needs to try on a suit they need to be dry. For our 6 & Unders, they will try to get set up early for you.

    Wednesday April 19th the will be NO PRACTICE.

    Mark your calendars the following we on Monday April 24th we will have our Parent Meeting at 5:45. This is for new and returning parents.

    If you work for a Company or Small Business that would be interested in being a Cooperate Team Sponsor please see the attachment for levels of Sponsorship.

    If your family would like to contribute to the team, we have a Family Sponsorship. This is through sponsoring a team tent. For $100 your family will have a sign hanging on the team tent of your choice! If you are interested, please complete the attached form to order you sign!


    North, South, East, West Wortham Whitesharks are the BEST!!!!!

    Melissa Tysdal

    WWS President

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