
    Info for this week

    Whitesharks it was great to see you back in the water competing!!! Results are posted on the website, sad to say we fell a little short. I did see many swimmers turning in tickets for dropping time!!!  There was an error with some of the ribbons, once we have all of the correct ribbons I will let you know when the family folders will be set out.

    This week please, please make sure to log in and indicate if your swimmer will NOT be at the meet. This needs be done by Monday night. It is very important that we know that swimmers will not be attending so that coaches can plan for relays and other events. The system automatically indicates that you WILL be attending. So it is very, very important that you let us know that you will not be there. If your swimmer has to leave early or come late there is a part that you can mark in the comments section that you can indicate specific times. We are swimming against larger teams this year so our meats will last a little longer they will more than likely end around 2 or 3in the afternoon. If an emergency does come up and your swimmer is unable to participate in the meet it is also important to let us know, you can do this by emailing me or one of the coaches. We understand that things come up, it is the teams expectation that our swimmers participate in meets. Our coaches spend hours planning for meets outside of practice and it makes meets difficult when we have swimmers no-show.

    Just a reminder we do need volunteers at home and away meets! You have the option to sign up for this also by Monday night. If you do not a volunteer position might be assigned to you. Please go in and select your preference. We do expect at least one member of a family to volunteer at each meet. If you have any concerns about volunteering please let us know. You can email me and I will forward it to our volunteer coordinator. (She is currently having some email difficulties)

    If you are looking at getting your swimmer a little extra one on one from our coaches you can contact Coach David or Coach Noah for a 30 minute session at the pool. Each session is $25 this can be paid four through check or Zelle.

    When paying through Zelle please pay treasurer@worthamwhitesharks.com in the comment section enter which coach you worked with your swimmers name and age. You can texted the coaches to set up a session.

    Coach David 832-530-0912

    Coach Noah 832-474-1533

    Looking ahead for this week

    We have Tasty Tuesdays at Chipotle. See the attached Flier. The have encouraged us to bring a flier with you. This is only at the 290/Hwy 6 location.

    Poster Pep Rally Friday night at 6:45- Starting working on showing your WWS spirit

    Saturday morning home meet against Stonegate check in will be at 6:45.

    Melissa Tysdal

    WWS President

    North, South, East, West Wortham Whitesharks are the BEST!!!

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