
    Upcoming Events!

    It’s been so nice seeing all the Whitesharks in the water.

    We have lots of things going on at the pool!

    This week we have:

    Parent Meeting this is mandatory for new families, we would also like to see all of our returning families as well.

    The Parent Meeting Monday April 25th (not May) via Zoom at 6:00

    Meeting ID: 841 4415 5380
    Password: Whiteshark

    Tuesday April 26th is our first Tasty Tuesday! Each Tuesday we will feature a place to eat near by to help you out with dinner. A percentage of you meal will come back to the team. This Tuesday’s Tasty Tuesday is at Chick-Fal-A!!! Who doesn’t love Chick-Fal-A let them know you are there for the Whitesharks!

    Upcoming Dates are:

    May 3rd Picture Day Team Picture will be at 5:00, individual pictures will begin at 4:30.

    May 7th Practice Meet

    Drink Drop will Start Next Week! Each season we ask for drink donations to sale at the swim meet concession as a way to make money for the team. We would like to receive all the donations by May 5th. This will give us time to see what we need by our first meet. You can bring your donation to swim practice next week and leave them on the table by the gate.

    Thankyou in advance for your generosity!!

    Break down of what to bring

    • 6 & Under = Sprite 12 pack
    • 7 & 8 = Dr. Pepper (girls) Diet Dr. Pepper (boys) 12 pack
    • 9 & 10 = Coke (girls) Diet Coke (boys) 12 pack
    • 11 & Up = Bottled Water 24 pack

    North, South, East, West Wortham Whitesharks are the BEST!!!!!

    Melissa Tysdal

    WWS President

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