
    In the Water Tomorrow!!!

    Whitesharks I hope you are ready!!!! Dust off your googles, grab your swim suit and a towel! Practice starts tomorrow!!!!!!!

    Practice times are:

    6&U   5-5:30
    7-8     5:25-6:10
    9-10   6:05-6:50
    11-12  6:45-7:45
    13&O  7:40-8:45

    Fridays 11-12 and 13&over are combined.

    You must be registered to attend practice.

    D&J Sports will be at practice on Thursday, April 21st so that you can order your team suit. Suits will be available to try on for sizing. Payment is preferred through check. No cash will be accepted.

    The Parent Meeting Monday April 25th (not May) via Zoom at 6:00

    Meeting ID: 841 4415 5380
    Password: Whiteshark

    Families we need your help, we are still looking for team sponsors! If you know someone or your company would be interested in being a team sponsor please contact Dana Doan at 832-286-6503. Team sponsors help support the team in so many ways. In return, we will advertise the company to our team and visiting teams.

    North, South, East, West Wortham Whitesharks are the BEST!!!!!

    Melissa Tysdal

    WWS President

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