
    Early Bird Ends Tonight

    ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­The 2022 Season is almost here!

    Don’t miss out on Early Bird Specials that end tonight. Register NOW!!!

    Practice Starts April 20th! You must be registered to attend practice.

    Practice times are:

    6&U 5-5:30
    7-8 5:25-6:10
    9-10 6:05-6:50
    11-12 6:45-7:45
    13&O 7:40-8:45

    Fridays 11-12 and 13&over are combined.

    Also, mark you calendars D&J Sports will be at practice on April 21st so that you can order you swimmers team suit.

    Don’t forget, Register TODAY!


    North, South, East, West Wortham Whitesharks are the BEST!!!!!

    Melissa Tysdal

    WWS President

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